QRS correction

This document describes how to perform inspection and correction of automatic heartbeat detection.


Automatic heartbeat detection is commonly well performed in those recordings with stable heart rhythms and QRS morphologies. In those cases where these situations are not met, many problems arise and automatic detection is not easy performed. This task provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to ease verification, correction and even manual detection.

Input Arguments

The properties that the ECGtask_QRS_corrector class handle are described below. The usage of these properties is restricted to low-level programming, you can use this task through the ECGwrapper as is shown in the example below.

progress_handle — Used to track the progress within your function. [] (default)

progress_handle, is a handle to a progress_bar object, that can be used to track the progress within your function.

tmp_path — The path to store temporary data. tempdir() (default)

Full path to a directory with write privileges.

payload — An arbitrary format variable to be passed to your user-defined algorithm. [] (default)

This propery is typically used to pass the automatic detection results. See the example below.

caller_variable — An arbitrary variable name in the caller workspace. 'payload' (default)

This variable in the caller workspace, will be assigned after user-interaction ends. ECGtask_QRS_corrector uses ‘payload’ as default variable in order to save the result of edition/verification with the GUI.


Create the ECGtask_QRS_corrector object.

ECGw.ECGtaskHandle = 'QRS_corrector';
% this is to use previous saved results as starting point, if any available
cached_filenames = ECG_all_wrappers(ii).GetCahchedFileName({'QRS_corrector' 'QRS_detection'});
ECGw.ECGtaskHandle.payload = load(cached_filenames{1});

Then the following GUI appears


and the command window shows the following message:

# User interaction required #
This ECGtask allow user interaction. Press [CTRL + G] in figure 1 to save results and press F5 (Run) to continue.

see the videos in YouTube for a more detailed demo about things you can do with the GUI. The demo shows how to add/remove heartbeats annotation, browse the detections through the whole recording and cut/copy/paste heartbeat detections between different annotations. Other features not described in this video were added in this other. After edition/verification of the automatic delineation, press CTRL+G to save results in the ‘payload’ variable of the caller workspace. Then press F5 to save the results to disk.

Results format

The result file have the same format than QRS detection task.

More About

Here are some external references about heartbeat detection: