Other functions

Several low-level functions that are located in your_path\ecg-kit\common\ but are not yet well documented, tested or integrated with other parts of the kit.

General functions

  • addpath_if_not_added - (Internal) Add the path only if not was already added.
  • colvec - (Internal) Reshape the input into a column vector
  • rowvec - (Internal) Reshape a matrix into a row vector
  • init_ghostscript - (Internal) Init environment variables for using ghostscript
  • init_WFDB_library - (Internal) Init environment variables for using WFDB toolbox
  • isMatlab - (Internal) Check if the kit is running on Matlab
  • isOctave - (Internal) Check if the kit is running on Octave
  • exist_distributed_file - (Internal) Check the existence of a file in a distributed (slow) filesystem
  • GetFunctionInvocation - (Internal) Create a string with the invocation of a function
  • max_index - (Internal) Index of the maximum element in a vector
  • modmax - (Internal) Find modulus maxima in a signal
  • myzerocros - (Internal) Detect zero-crosses in a signal
  • soft_intersect - (Internal) Intersection of two sets with tolerance
  • soft_range_conversion - (Internal) Convert an input range to an output range with a soft function
  • soft_set_difference - (Internal) Set difference with tolerance
  • parse_pids - (Internal) Identify how many PIDs are in total and which is this PID, based on a string formatted this_pid/cant_pids
  • getAnnNames - (Internal) Get names of annotations from annotation structure
  • matrix2positions - (Internal) Convert matrix of ECG wave annotations to a struct position format, used in wavedet algorithm
  • positions2matrix - (Internal) Convert matrix of ECG wave annotations to a struct position format, used in wavedet algorithm
  • pack_signal - (Internal) Example of user-created QRS detector
  • progress_bar - (Internal) A progress bar class for showing evolution of a process to users
  • progress_bar_ex - A progress bar class example
  • TaskPartition - (Internal) Generate a PIDs work list
  • trim_ECG_header - (Internal) Trim a header info struct to a subset of signals
  • WFDB_command_prefix - System commands to initialize the WFDB toolbox
  • HasAdminPrivs - Checks administrator privileges
  • sys_cmd_separation_string - String to issue multiline system commands
  • sys_command_strings - Strings to execute typical I/O commands via system calls

Signal processing / statistical methods

  • autovec_calculation - (Internal) Calculate eigenvalues and vectors
  • autovec_calculation_robust - (Internal) Calculate eigenvalues and vectors using robust covariance estimation
  • BaselineWanderRemovalMedian - Remove baseline wandering with the median estimation method
  • BaselineWanderRemovalSplines - Remove baseline wandering with the median estimation method
  • bxb - (Internal) Compares two heartbeat series and produce the confusion matrix as result
  • calc_co_ocurrences - (Internal) Calculate the heartbeats co-ocurrences
  • calc_correlation_gain - (Internal) Add the path only if not was already added.
  • CalcRRserieQuality - (Obsolete) Estimate the quality of QRS complex detections
  • CalcRRserieRatio - Estimate the quality of QRS complex detections
  • calculateSeriesQuality - Estimate the quality of QRS complex detections
  • MedianFilt - (Internal) Mean/Median filtering
  • cluster_data_with_EM_clust - (Internal) Cluster data with expectation-maximization algorithm
  • DelayedCovMat - (Internal) Delayed covariance matrix calculation
  • deNaN_dataset - (Internal) Replace NaN from PRdatasets
  • design_downsample_filter - (Internal) Design a filter to downsample signals prior printing to a report
  • bandpass_filter_design - MATLAB Code
  • PeakDetection2 - peaks = PeakDetection2(x,fs,wlen,fp1,fp2,th,flag),
  • PiCA - [y,W,A] = PiCA(x,peaks1,peaks2)
  • PrctileFilt - (Internal) Arbitrary percentile filtering
  • logit_function - (Internal) Logit function
  • my_ppval - PPVAL Evaluate piecewise polynomial.
  • qs_filter_design - (Internal) Design the wavelet decomposition filters for wavedet algorithm
  • qs_wt - (Internal) Calculates the wavelet transform
  • nanmeda - (Internal) Calculate the median of absolute deviations from the median (MEDA)
  • woody_method - (Internal) Woody algorithm for heartbeat allignment
  • AUC_calc - Compute area under the ROC curve (AUC).
  • ppval - Evaluate piecewise polynomial.
  • similarity_calculation - (Internal) Pattern matching function to be used in an arbitrary task
  • combine_anns - (Internal) Create new QRS detections based on other lead/algorithms detections


  • ECGtask - Defines the class interface for the ECGtask derived classes
  • ECGtask_do_nothing - Null ECGtask (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_ECG_delineation - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_ECG_delineation_corrector - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_heartbeat_classifier - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_PCA_proj_basis - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_PPG_ABP_corrector - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_PPG_ABP_detector - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_QRS_corrector - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_QRS_detection - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_QRS_detections_post_process - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_Delineation_corrector - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_arbitrary_function - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • ECGtask_classification_features_calc - ECGtask for ECGwrapper (for Matlab)
  • example_worst_ever_ECG_delineator - (Internal) Example of user-created QRS detector
  • example_worst_ever_QRS_detector - (Internal) Example of user-created QRS detector
  • reportECG - (Internal) function reads the header of signal files
  • QRScorrector - (Internal) GUI for correcting QRS detections
  • GetBestQRSdetections - Fetch the best QRS detections from an ECGtask_QRSdetections object
  • list_all_ECGtask - List al ECGtask availables

Functions from other projects

  • GTHTMLtable - GTHTMLtable - Generate an HTML page with a table of a matrix.
  • cprintf - displays styled formatted text in the Command Window

I/O signals

  • Annotation_process - Convert heartbeat type of annotation from valid ECG formats to EC57 AAMI
  • AnnotationFilterConvert - Convert heartbeat type of annotation from valid ECG formats to EC57 AAMI
  • ADC2realunits - Convert adimentional sample values to real units
  • ADC2units - Convert adimentional sample values to target voltage units
  • ECGwrapper - Allow acces to ECG recordings of arbitrary format and length.
  • ECGformat - Gets the format of an ECG recording filename
  • get_ECG_idx_from_header - (Internal) Guess ECG signals indexes in a multimodal recording
  • get_PPG_ABP_idx_from_header - (Internal) Guess PPG/ABP signals indexes in a multimodal recording
  • isAHAformat - (Internal) Check if a recording is in ISHNE format.
  • isHESformat - (Internal) Check if a recording is in HES format.
  • isISHNEformat - (Internal) Check if a recording is in ISHNE format.
  • matformat_definitions - (Internal) A definition or header file, for names allowed for signals, header and annotations included in MAT format files
  • read_310_format - (Internal) Read the MIT 310 format
  • read_311_format - (Internal) Read the MIT 311 format
  • read_AHA_ann - Reads ECG annotations in AHA format
  • read_AHA_format - Reads ECG recording in AHA format
  • read_AHA_header - Reads ECG header in AHA format
  • read_ECG - Reads an ECG recording
  • read_HES_ann - Reads ECG annotations in HES format
  • read_HES_format - Reads ECG recording in HES format
  • read_HES_header - Reads ECG header in HES format
  • read_ishne - (Internal) Reads ECG recordings in Mortara format
  • read_ishne_ann - Reads ECG annotations from ISHNE format
  • read_ishne_header - Reads ECG header from ISHNE format
  • read_Mortara - (Internal) Reads ECG recordings in Mortara format
  • read_Mortara_header - Reads ECG header in Mortara format.
  • read_Mortara_format - Reads ECG recordings in Mortara format.
  • read_ishne_format - Reads ECG recording in ISHNE format
  • readheader - (Internal) function reads the header of signal files
  • tablas_y_constantes - (Internal) Constants for the HES format
  • writeannot - (Internal) Write annotation files for biomedical signals in MIT Format. (MEX file)
  • writeheader - (Internal) Write an ECG header in MIT format
  • ConcatenateQRSdetectionPayloads - (Internal) Concatenate two payloads.
  • default_concatenate_function - Description:
  • default_finish_function - Description: